Trouble Shooting and Diagnostics
During normal operation the following error messages may occur:.
Display That means... Cause / Action
AGC ERROR AGC ADJUST S Distance print head and
procedure fault platen faulty
S Print head loose
S Platen incorrectly
S Ribbon not inserted
S Horizontal drive without
S Platen got dirty
BUFFER OVERFLOW Handshake S Check CTR - CTS or
protocol error XON - XOFF protocol
S Repeat data transfer
COVER OPEN Displayed when S Close cover
the top cover is
open and the
printer is in the
BUSY mode.
CUTTER ERROR Cutter without S Cutter not connected
any function S Connector loose
(only for CI - S Blade locked
4080) S Cutter defective
ELECTR-FAN ERROR Fan defective S Call service
FRAMING ERROR Protocol error S Check protocol setting of
printer and host
S Repeat data transfer