Performance Testing and Calibration
Updating 2635A Data Bucket Embedded Instrument Firmware
Firmware downloading may be accomplished by using either of the two methods that are
described in the following paragraphs.
• Default Instrument Firmware Download Procedure
• Using LD2635 Firmware Loader Directly
Table 4-13. Frequency Calibration
Command Response Action
CAL 4 => Put Hydra in Frequency Cal.
CAL_REF? +10.000E+3 Output 2.9 volts ac at 10 kHz from the 5700A. Wait about 8 seconds.
CAL_STEP? Hydra computes calibration constant 21 and returns the calibrated reading
(for example, +10.000E+3.) (For software versions lower than 5.4, this step
computes calibration constant 19.)
If the input is incorrect, the "!>" response signifies that a Device
Dependent Error has been generated. The calibration step could not be
executed.Verify that the input to Hydra channel 1 is the correct value. Also
verify that the 5700A is in OPERATE mode. If the input is correct, Hydra
may require repair.
Now set the 5700A output to 0V dc.
4-32. Setup Procedure for Firmware Download
Use the following procedure to set up the 2635A and the PC, before attempting to
download firmware to the instrument:
1. Copy the files from the diskette to your PC hard drive. All following PC operations
should be done in the directory on the PC where these files are located.
2. Using the RS40 Terminal Interface Cable, connect the PC COM port to be used to
the 2635A RS-232 port. Use an RS40 and an RS41 cable in series to connect to the
COM port on an IBM PC/AT.
3. On the 2635A, press POWER ON. After the initialization process has concluded, use
the following procedure to set up communications:
a. Press SHIFT and then LIST(COMM).
b. With ’BAUd’ displayed, use the UP or DOWN arrow key to select’19200’ baud.
Then press ENTER.
c. With ’PAR’ (parity) displayed, use the UP or DOWN arrow key toselect ’no’
parity. Then press ENTER.
d. With ’CtS’ displayed, use the UP or DOWN arrow key to selectthe Clear to Send
flow control ’On’. Then press ENTER.
e. With ’ECHO’ displayed, use the UP or DOWN arrow key to select’OFF’. Then
press ENTER. Communications setup for the 2635A isnow complete.
4-33. Default Instrument Firmware Download Procedure
Use the following procedure to download the version of 2635A instrument firmware that
is distributed on the diskette: