Service Manual
Table 1-3. 2620A/2625A Specifications (cont)
AC Voltage Inputs (True RMS AC Voltage, AC-Coupled Inputs) (cont)
Maximum Frequency Input at Upper Frequency
20 Hz - 50 Hz
50 Hz - 100 Hz
100 Hz - 10 kHz
10 kHz - 20 kHz
20 kHz - 50 kHz
50 kHz - 100 kHz
300V rms
300V rms
200V rms
100V rms
40V rms
20V rms
Input Impedance
1 MΩ in parallel with 100 pF maximum
Maximum Crest Factor
3.0 maximum
2.0 for rated accuracy
Crest Factor Error
Non-sinusoidal input signals with crest factors between 2 and 3 and pulse widths 100 µs and
longer add 0.2% to the accuracy specifications.
Common Mode Rejection
80 dB minimum at 50 or 60 Hz ±0.1%, 1 kΩ imbalance, slow rate
Maximum AC Input
300V rms or 424V peak on channels 0, 1, and 11
150V rms or 212V peak on channels 2 to 10 and 12 to 20
Voltage ratings between channels must not be exceeded
2 x 10
Volt-Hertz product on any range, normal mode input
1 x 10
Volt-Hertz product on any range, common mode input
DC Component Error
SCAN and first MONitor measurements will be incorrect if the dc signal component exceeds 60
counts in slow rate or 10 counts in fast rate. To measure ac with a dc component present,
MONitor the input and wait 5 seconds before recording the measurement.
Using Channel 0
When measuring voltages above 100V rms, the rear Input Module must be installed to obtain the
rated accuracy.
Crosstalk Rejection
Refer to "Crosstalk Rejection" at the end of this table.