Service Manual
The following command may be used to program the serial number into the FLASH
SERIAL XXXXXXX (xxxxxxx denotes the 7-digit number. Leading zeros must be
entered. Note: once entered, the number cannot be changed.)
The serial number of the instrument can be accessed by using the “SERIAL?” command.
The response will be “0” )if the serial number has not yet been set) or the 7-digit serial
5A-25. Memory Card I/F PCA (A6) Troubleshooting.
5A-26. Power-Up Problems
The following discussion identifies probable fault areas if the installation of a Memory
Card I/F PCA causes power-up failure for the instrument. The problem is probably a
short on A6P2; the Microprocessor on the Main Assembly is prevented from accessing
Flash Memory and NVRAM correctly. Make the following checks:
• First check for a GND-to-VCC short on the Memory Card I/F PCA.
• There may also be a short between an interface signal and VCC, GND, or another
interface signal. Check signals D8 .. D15, A1 .. A4, XRDU*, XWRU*, MCARD*,
• The short may be due to a CMOS input that has been damaged due to static
discharge; the short is then detectable only when the circuit is powered up. Use an
oscilloscope to check activity on each of the interface signals. Verify that signals are
able to transition normally between 0 and 5.0V dc (VCC).
5A-27. Failure to Detect Memory Card I/F PCA
Proper detection of the Memory Card Interface depends on the FPGA (A6U1) being
properly configured at power-up. Proper FPGA configuration is indicated by a low to
high transition on A6U1-80 shortly after power-up. Normally A6U1-80 should be high
before RESET* (A6U1-78) goes high. If the Memory Card Interface is not installed
properly, an "ERROR d" is displayed by the Microprocessor during power-up. The
Microprocessor checks for the presence of the Memory Card Interface by attempting to
read one of the registers in the Memory Card Controller (A6U1). If A6U1-58 fails to
drive the DTACK* signal low during the read access, the Microprocessor will abort the
memory cycle and report the Memory Card Interface as being not installed.
Verify the RESET*, XMCARD*, XRDU*, XSCLK, and DTACK* signals on the
Memory Card Interface. RESET* (A6U1-78) must be high. Using a storage oscilloscope,
verify that DTACK* (A6U1-58) goes low while XMCARD* (A6U1-49) is low for the
first read memory cycle to the Memory Card Controller (A6U1) during instrument
power-up. It may be necessary to cycle the power on the instrument several times to
verify this operation.