Dumping diagnostics
5 To restart the controller, you can either remove and re-insert the RAID
controller in its slot or turn the enclosure off then back on.
Dumping diagnostics
During the process of troubleshooting a problem, it may be helpful to capture
the diagnostics data. The information capture to the terminal screen can then
be saved to an external file for later analysis.
To do a diagnostics dump:
1 From the Main Menu, select Diagnostics Menu, then press ENTER. The
Diagnostics menu opens.
2 From the Diagnostics menu, select Diagnostics Dump, then press ENTER. The
diagnostic data is immediately sent to the terminal window.
3 To export the data to a file, press CTRL + W to enter Text Mode.
4 Select Capture Text from the Transfer list, then type a file name and a
destination (or note the default name and path). Click
Start to continue.