14–6 Solving and Integrating Programs
File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424
Printed Date : 2003/4/24 Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm
before displaying it). If you do want this result displayed, add a VIEW
variable instruction after the SOLVE instruction.
If no solution is found for the unknown variable, then the next program line is
skipped (in accordance with the "Do if True" rule, explained in chapter 13).
The program should then handle the case of not finding a root, such as by
choosing new initial estimates or changing an input value.
SOLVE in a Program.
The following excerpt is from a program that allows you to solve for x or y by
X or Y.
Program Lines: Description:
Setup for X.
Index for X.
Branches to main routine. Checksum and
length: CCEC 004.5
Setup for Y.
Index for Y.
Branches to main routine.
Checksum and length. 2E48 004.5
Main routine.
Stores index in i.
Defines program to solve.
Solves for appropriate variable.
Displays solution.
Ends program. Checksum and length:
E159 009.0
Calculates f (x,y). Include INPUT or
equation prompting as required.