HP (Hewlett-Packard) 32SII Calculator User Manual

Mathematics Programs 15–29
File name 32sii-Manual-E-0424
Printed Date : 2003/4/24 Size : 17.7 x 25.2 cm
2. Key in the program routines; press
when done.
3. Press
P to start the polynomial root finder.
4. Key in F, the order of the polynomial, and press
5. At each prompt, key in the coefficient and press
. You're not
prompted for the highest–order coefficient — it's assumed to be 1. You
must enter 0 for coefficients that are 0. Coefficient A must not be 0.
Terms mid Coefficients
Order x
x Constant
5 1 E D C B A
4 1 D C B A
3 1 C B A
2 1 B A
6. After you enter the coefficients, the first root is calculated. A real root is
displayed as
real value. A complex root is displayed as
real part,
(Complex roots always occur in pairs of the for u ± i v, and are labeled in
the output as
real part and i =imaginary part, which you'll see in the
next step.)
7. Press
repeatedly to see the other roots, or to see i = imaginary part,
the imaginary part of a complex root. The order of the polynomial is same
as the number of roots you get.
8. For a new polynomial, go to step 3.
A through E Coefficients of tints of polynomial; scratch.
F Order of polynomial; scratch.
G Scratch.
H Pointer to polynomial coefficients.
X The value f a real root, or the real part of complex root
i The imaginary part of a complex root; also used as are
index variable.