Chapter 5 Input/Output Interfaces IDE Configuration Registers
The IDE controller is configured as a PCI device with bus mastering capability. The PCI
configuration registers for the IDE controller function (PCI device #9, function #0) are listed in
Table 5-1.
Table 5–1. IDE PCI Configuration Registers
Table 5-1.
IDE PCI Configuration Registers (MCP, Device 9/Function 0)
PCI Conf.
PCI Conf.
00, 01h Vender ID 10DEh 3Ch Interrupt Line 00h
02, 03h Device ID [1] 3Dh Interrupt Pin 01h
04, 05h PCI Command 0000h 3Eh Minimum Grant 03h
06-07h PCI Status 00B0h 3Fh Maximum Latency 01h
08h Revision ID A1h 40h Write SS Vendor ID 0000h
09 – 0Bh Class Code 01018Ah 42h Write SS ID 0000h
0Ch Cache Line Size 00h 44h Power Mgmt. Config. 01h
0Dh Master Latency Timer 00h 45h Next Item Pointer 00h
0Eh Header Type 00h 46h Power Mgmt. Capabilities E802h
0Fh BIST 00h 48h Power Mgmt. Cntrl./Sts. 0000h
10 – 13h Pri. Cmd. I/O Base Addr. 1d 4Bh Power Mgmt. Data 00h
14 – 17h Pri. Cntrl. I/O Base Addr. 1d 50h IDE Config. 0000h
18 – 1Bh Sec. CMD I/O Base Addr. 1d 58, 59h IDE Timing A8A8h
1C – 1Fh Sec. Cntrl. I/O Base Addr. 1d 5A, 5Bh IDE Timing A8A8h
20h Bus Mstr. I/O Base Addr. 1d 5Ch IDE Cycle & Addr. Timing 00FFh
2Ch Subsystem Vendor ID 0000h 5Dh IDD Cycle & Addr. Timing FFFFh
2Eh Subsystem ID 0000h 60h UDMA Mode Selection 0s
34h Capabilities Pointer 44h - - -
[1] D315 = 01BCh, d325 = 0065h IDE Bus Master Control Registers
The IDE interface can perform PCI bus master operations using the registers listed in Table 5-2.
These registers occupy 16 bytes of variable I/O space set by software and indicated by PCI
configuration register 20h in the previous table.
Table 5–2. IDE Bus Master Control Registers
Table 5-2.
IDE Bus Master Control Registers
I/O Addr.
00h 1 Bus Master IDE Command (Primary) 00h
02h 1 Bus Master IDE Status (Primary) 00h
04h 4 Bus Master IDE Descriptor Pointer (Pri.) 0000 0000h
08h 1 Bus Master IDE Command (Secondary) 00h
0Ah 2 Bus Master IDE Status (Secondary) 00h
0Ch 4 Bus Master IDE Descriptor Pointer (Sec.) 0000 0000h
Unspecified gaps are reserved, will return indeterminate data, and should not be written to.
5-2 Compaq D315 and hp d325 Personal Computers
Featuring the AMD Athlon XP Processor
Second Edition – April 2003