Chapter 5: Key Maps
95-key Keypad with Pointing Device
The key map table that follows lists the commands used for the Thor VX9. Note that since the Thor VX9 uses a Microsoft
Windows operating system, no DOS Terminal Emulation keypress sequences are provided.
Key Map 101-Key Equivalencies
There are ten hidden keys on the 95-key keyboard. Each of these hidden keys is accessed by pressing the Fn key plus another
To get this key Press These Keys and Then
Insert Fn + 0 on the number pad
Home Fn + 7 on the number pad
Page Up Fn + 9 on the number pad
Delete Fn + . on the number pad
End Fn + 1 on the number pad
Page Down Fn + 3 on the number pad
Up Arrow Fn + 8 on the number pad
Left Arrow Fn + 4 on the number pad
Down Arrow Fn + 2 on the number pad
Right Arrow Fn + 6 on the number pad
Note: The 95-key keyboard does not have a 2
key function.