When the system date is on or after 1/1/2000, the following reason
code will be issued:
″34 - Explanation: An attempt was made to open a VSAM catalog for use
as a catalog. The request was denied.
Programmer Response: VSAM catalogs may not be used beginning Jan 1,
Please note that CVOL support will also be removed effective 1/1/2000
but as yet no way to provide warning messages has been identified.
Customers running operating environments prior to DFSMS/MVS 1.4 who
have not installed the appropriate maintenance will receive no warning
message when processing VSAM catalogs and its entries, but are still
subject to errors. Any customer failures resulting from attempts to
process VSAM catalogs or CVOLs on OS/390 and MVS systems after
December 31, 1999 will not be addressed by IBM service.
Information on how to convert VSAM catalogs and CVOLs to ICF catalogs
can be found in chapter 9 of the DFSMS/MVS
Managing Catalogs
Figure 8 (Part 2 of 2). Extract from WSC Flash 9741
5.6.3 OS/390 Catalog Management OS/390 Master Catalog
OS/390 requires a master catalog in order to IPL. The master catalog cannot be
disconnected and should not normally be ported to another system environment.
The OS/390 master catalog should contain only:
Alias definitions
catalog entries for system data sets
pointers to user catalogs
Certain system data sets must be cataloged in the master catalog in order to
IPL. System data sets normally have data set names which start with ″SYS1″ as
their high-level data set name qualifier. Examples are SYS1.LINKLIB and
OS/390 MVS System Data Set Definitions
manual for the
names and uses of OS/390 system data sets.
At IPL time the system locates the master catalog via the LOADxx member of
the OS/390 system parameter data set, SYS1.PARMLIB. This member contains
the master catalog′s data set name, volume serial number, and device type.
If multiple LOADxx members exist (each with a unique ″xx″ suffix), it is possible
to choose an alternate master catalog at IPL time. Each LOADxx member would
point to a different catalog. This might be done for testing or for backup
purposes. The operator can specify the LOADxx member during IPL using the
information contained in the following figure:
114 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook