FCB Specification
POWER users specify the full eight-character FCB name, whereas OS/390 users
only specify the last four characters. POWER supports device-independent
specification of FCB-image phases in the * $$ LST statement by allowing ″$$$$″
as the first four characters. POWER then replaces the dollar signs by a character
string depending on the printer:
FCB1 For a 3800 printer
FCB2 For a PRT1 printer (3211, 3203-5, 3289-4, 3262)
FCB3 For a 3203-1 printer
FCB4 For a 5203 printer
FCB5 For a 4248 printer
$$$$ For any other printer type
In OS/390, users specify the four-character name of the FCB and JES2 uses the
four-character prefix based on the device type. The FCB and UCS images are
stored in SYS1.IMAGELIB with device-dependent prefixes.
DFSMSdfp Advanced Services
, SC26-4921 and
DFSMS/MVS Utilities
SC26-4926 for OS/390 details. UCS Naming Conventions
In OS/390, Universal Character Set (UCS) images are stored in SYS1.IMAGELIB
with device-dependent prefixes. POWER does not have any particular naming
convention that must be followed.
JES2 supports four-character UCS names on JCL statements submitted by the
user. Depending on the printer device type, the following ′UCSn′ name is
prefixed to the name which is then retrieved from IMAGELIB:
1403 - UCS1xxxx
3203 - UCS2
3211 - UCS3
4245 - UCS5
4248 - UCS6
3262 - UCS6
The IBM 3800, when driven by JES2, uses character arrangement tables
beginning with XTB1.
For details, see
DFSMS/MVS Utilities
, SC26-4926, and
DFSMSdfp Advanced
, SC26-4921
10.3.5 Interactive User Interfaces (ICCF/CMS/TSO)
Both VSE/POWER and OS/390 JES2 support interactive user interfaces for job
submission and output retrieval, as well as other command functions. In addition,
many VSE/POWER installations use VM/CMS as their interactive terminal
218 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook