There is no equivalent for the VSE CNTRL macro. The MVS CNTRL does not
support DASD devices.
The VSE and MVS functions of this macro are the same. RELSE causes the
remaining records in a buffer to be ignored.
The VSE and MVS functions of this macro are the same. TRUNC causes the next
logical record to be written as the first record of the next block.
ERET Macro
The VSE ERET macro enables a problem program ERROPT or WLRERR routine
to return to IOCS and specify an action to be taken. In MVS, this is
approximated by the SYNAD routine, which is an optional error analysis routine
that is given control when an uncorrectable I/O error occurs. The error analysis
routine must not use the save area pointed to by register 13, because this area
is used by the system. The system does not restore registers when it regains
control from the error analysis routine. The error analysis routine can issue a
RETURN macro instruction that uses the address in register 14 to return control
to the system.
For BSAM, if control is returned to the system, the system returns control to the
problem program and proceeds as though no error had occurred. If you omit the
SYNAD operand, the task is abnormally terminated when an uncorrectable I/O
error occurs.
For QSAM, if the error condition was the result of a data validity error, the
control program takes the action specified in the EROPT operand; otherwise, the
task is abnormally terminated. The control program takes these actions when
you omit the SYNAD operand or when the 2.spr analysis routine returns control.
Uncorrectable I/O errors resulting from channel operations or direct access
operations that make the next record inaccessible cause the task to be
abnormally terminated regardless of the action specified in the EROPT operand.
The action specified by EROPT is one of these three:
dcbaddress area address
(2-12) (2-12)
(1) (0)
VSE RELSE filename
MVS RELSE dcbaddress
VSE TRUNC filename
MVS TRUNC dcbaddress
306 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook