Chapter 23. LISTLOG/PRINTLOG - Printing Log Streams
Both VSE and OS/390 provide facilities to capture system log data in a hardcopy
file, and means to display, print and archive it.
There are two utilities in VSE that help you print copies of your system hard-copy
file and information about jobs that run in your system: PRINTLOG and LISTLOG.
In OS/390, the system hardcopy log can be saved on JES spool or in a log
stream managed by the system logger, and printed by JES.
23.1 VSE PRINTLOG Utility
The IBM utility program PRINTLOG prints the hardcopy file from disk to SYSLST.
Each line that appears on the screen of the display console is written to the
hardcopy file, which resides on SYSREC. It may become necessary to print all or
part of the hardcopy file. You may need to print the hardcopy log in order to
review system events, or to determine which messages were issued for a certain
partition. You should also print its contents before it is overwritten (see
″Hardcopy File Full Condition″ in the
VSE/ESA Guide for Solving Problems
23.2 VSE LISTLOG Utility Program
The LISTLOG utility program is used to gather information about how a particular
job has run on the system. LISTLOG derives the information to be printed from
the hardcopy file. It prints all messages and commands relevant to the partition
in which the job ran. LISTLOG will provide a listing of the following items on
job control statements which are written to the console
console messages for the job
operator responses for the job
attention routine messages and commands issued while the job was running.
IBM VSE/ESA System Utilities
for additional information on LISTLOG.
23.3 OS/390 Hardcopy Processing
Hardcopy processing provides a permanent record of your OS/390 system
activity and helps you audit the use of operator commands. You can record
system messages and, optionally, commands, by using either the system log
(SYSLOG), the operations log (OPERLOG), or an MCS printer. The group of
messages and commands that are recorded is called the hardcopy message set.
The system log, operations log, or MCS printer that receives messages is called
the hardcopy medium. You can specify a group of console devices that can serve
as backup devices for the hardcopy medium. You can also allow an extended
MCS console to receive hardcopy messages from one or more systems in a
The following describes the SYSLOG and OPERLOG and how to print them. See
OS/390 MVS Planning: Operations
, GC28-1760 for details.
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