
Data Facility Storage Management Subsystem
Complementary functions of MVS/DFP and other individual products of the
Data Facility family which, together with RACF, provide a system-managed,
administrator-controlled storage environment.
Systems Resources Manager (SRM)
A system function that determines which address spaces should be given
access to system resources (for example processor, storage, I/O), and the
rate at which each address space is allowed to consume resources. To a
large degree, an installations control over the system is exercised through
the SRM; that is, via SRM tuning parameters.
Systems Management Facility (SMF)
A facility that gathers and records job accounting and other system-related
information. By creating analysis and report routines, the collected
information can be used for billing users, for analyzing workloads, and for
profiling system resource usage.
Interactive Storage Management Facility (ISMF)
An interactive, online facility for defining and viewing the policy of how the
Storage Management Subsystem manages auxiliary storage.
Time Sharing Option Extensions (TSO/E)
TSO/E provides interactive time sharing capabilities.
Interactive System Productivity Facility (ISPF)
Dialog manager required for interactive applications; for example ISPF/PDF,
ISMF, and IPCS sessions.
Interactive System Productivity Facility/Program Development Facility
ISPF/PDF provides enhanced edit and browse facilities for aiding program
development and library management functions.
Integrated Catalog Facility (ICF)
The name of the catalog in DFP that is a functional replacement for VSAM
Interactive Problem Control System (IPCS)
An interactive, online facility used for diagnosing software failures; that is,
dump viewing.
Message Processing Facility (MPF)
The facility that controls console message processing and message display.
Message processing refers to message suppression, message retention, and
the use of installation-supplied exits to control message processing.
Global Resource Serialization (GRS)
A component of MVS designed to protect the integrity of resources,
particularly data sets on DASD volumes that are shared by two or more
22 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook