Chapter 29. Orientation for Utilities
29.1 IEBxxx or IEHxxx
There are many utilities in OS/390 provided by DFSMS/MVS to assist you in
organizing and maintaining data (most of them start with ″IEB″ or ″IEH″). These
are simple programs which perform commonly needed functions. See ″Guide to
Utility Program Functions″ in Chapter 1 of
DFSMS/MVS Utilities
, SC26-4926.
IEBCOPY is a utility program used to make copies of, and to maintain,
partitioned data sets. In addition to the copy function, IEBCOPY performs the
following maintenance operations:
Compression - the members of a partitioned data set are moved together
(compressed) to eliminate the unused space that results from changing
existing members.
Merge - two or more partitioned data sets are merged into a third data set.
Information on IEBCOPY is provided in
DFSMS/MVS Utilities
, SC26-4926.
IDCAMS (Access Method Services) is a utility program that is used to manipulate
all access methods except partitioned. IDCAMS is recommended for use with
SMS managed data sets. This utility reads control statements and performs data
set functions such as creation, deletion, cataloging, and uncataloging. In
addition, IDCAMS performs the backup and restore functions for VSAM data sets.
Information on IDCAMS is provided in the following publications:
DFSMS/MVS Access Methods Services for ICF
Describes IDCAMS commands for using integrated catalog facility catalogs.
DFSMS/MVS Access Method Services for VSAM
, SC26-4905
Describes IDCAMS commands for using VSAM catalogs.
DFSMS/MVS Summary of Access Method Services for ICF
, SX26-3807.
Provides a summary of IDCAMS commands for integrated catalog facility
The main use of this utility is for moving data. You can use IEBGENER to:
Create a backup copy of a sequential data set, or a member of a partitioned
data set or PDSE.
Produce a partitioned data set or PDSE, or a member of a partitioned data
set or PDSE, from a sequential data set.
Expand an existing partitioned data set or PDSE by creating partitioned
members and merging them into the existing data set.
Manipulate data sets containing double-byte character set data.
Print sequential data sets or members of partitioned data sets or PDSEs.
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