System Environmental Conditions
(System Power is currently off.)
Fan : A stopped fan detected
Fan 1: A stopped fan detected
Fan 2: A stopped fan detected
Fan 3: A stopped fan detected
MEM Temperature is operating within normal tolerances
I/O Temperature is operating within normal tolerances
CPU Temperature is operating within normal tolerances
5. Volts: A low 5. Voltage reading detected
3.3 Volts: A low 3.3 Voltage reading detected
5. Standby Volts: is operating within normal tolerance
+12. Volts: A low +12. voltage reading detected
-12. Volts: A high -12. voltage reading detected
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98. Return to Previous Menu
99. Exit from Menus
Note: Your ASCII terminal must support the ISO-8859 character set in order to
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This menu allows selecting languages into which Service Processor and system
firmware menus and messages are displayed.
Chapter 4. Service Processor Menus 4-15