1. Inventory your parts and tools.
a. SSA backplane
b. power cable
c. SSA daisy chain cable (only needed if more than one SSA backplane is
d. one screw (with backplane)
e. SSA adapter
f. SSA cables
g. SSA bulkhead connectors with cables
h. SSA documentation
i. Long flat blade screwdriver
j. Three cable retainers.
2. If you have not already done so, remove the covers as described in “Removing
Both the Front and Side Covers” on page 5-10.
3. Install the SSA adapter, see “Installing Adapters” on page 5-30.
4. Replace the I/O planar cover as described in “Replacing the I/O Planar Cover”
on page 5-101; then return here to determine your next step.
5. If you are installing a backplane in bank D, go to step 6 on page 5-68. If you are
installing a backplane in bank E, go to step 16 on page 5-75.
Chapter 5. Installing Options 5-67