Dials and LPFK Configuration Service Aid
This service aid provides a tool for configuring and removing dials/LPFKs to the
standard serial ports.
The Dials and LPFKs can be configured on any async port. A tty must be in the
available state on the async port before the Dials and LPFKs can be configured on
the port. The task allows an async adapter to be configured, then a tty port defined
on the adapter, and then Dials and LPFKs can be defined on the port.
Disk Based Diagnostic Update Service Aid and Update Disk Based
Diagnostic Task
This service aid allows fixes (APARs) to be applied.
The task invokes the SMIT Update Software by Fix (APAR) task. The task allows
the input device and APARs to be selected. Any APAR can be installed using this
Disk Media Service Aids
This service aid consists of a Format, Certify, and Erase service aid for each type of
hard disk supported, and Optical Disk service aid for supported optical disks.
Certify reads all of the ID and data fields. It checks for bad data and counts all
errors encountered. If more than 10 hard data errors or more than 1 hard
equipment error is found, the user is prompted to replace the drive. One or less
recovered data errors per megabyte is normal. More than one recoverable data
error per megabyte indicates that the disk should be formatted and certified.
Disk errors are not logged during certify.
Format writes all the disk. The pattern put on the disk is device dependent, i.e.
some drives may put all 0s, while some may put hexadecimal number 5F. No
bad block reassignment occurs
Format and Certify
Format and Certify does the same as format does. After the Format is
completed, Certify is run. This Certify will reassign all bad blocks encountered.
Erase Disk
This option can be used to overwrite (remove) all data currently stored in
user-accessible blocks of the disk. The Erase Disk option writes one or more
IBM RS/6000 7025 F50 Series User's Guide