Appendix D. Modem Configurations
Sample Modem Configuration Files
With nearly 1000 modems to choose from, and various programming standards,
configuring a modem for use with the Service Processor can be challenging. The
Service Processor is designed to place little demand on an attached modem, thereby
increasing the setup and connection success rates. Several sample modem
configurations files are supplied that will either work directly with your modem, or
provide a good starting point for a custom setup, if required. These files are included
on the Sample Modem Configuration Files diskette and in your Service Processor
firmware with the following names:
The sample modem configuration files can be found in the /usr/share/modems
subdirectory, if your server is using AIX. A listing of each file is included at the end
of this appendix.
With the following selection procedures and your modem manual, one of these
configuration files should be suitable for your use.
Diskette File Name Service Processor Firmware File Name
modem_z.cfg modem_z.sp
modem_z0.cfg modem_z0.sp
modem_f.cfg modem_f.sp
modem_f0.cfg modem_f0.sp
modem_f1.cfg modem_f1.sp
Appendix D. Modem Configurations D-1