Appendix E. Service Processor Operational Phases
This section provides a high-level flow of the phases of the Service Processor (SP).
SP Power Applied
┌─────┐ Pre-Standby Phase
│ Standby Phase SP Menus Available
│ │
│ Bring-Up Phase SMS Menus Available
│ │
│ Runtime Phase Diagnostic Service Aids Available
│ │
Pre-Standby Phase
This phase is entered when the server is connected to a power source. The server
may or may not be fully powered on. This phase is exited when the Power-On Self
Tests (POSTS) and configurations tasks are completed.
The Pre-Standby phase components are:
SP Initialization
SP performs any necessary hardware and software initializations.
SP conducts Power-On Self Tests on its various work and code areas.
SP Unattended Start Mode Checks
To assist fault recovery. If unattended start mode is set, the SP automatically
reboots the server. SP will not wait for a user-input or power-on command, but
will move straight through the phase and into the Bringup Phase. The
unattended start mode can be reset by accessing SMS menus, or SP menus.
Appendix E. Service Processor Operational Phases E-1