Appendix B Error Messages 153
Host Header Required 400 An attempt was made to transparently
proxy your request, but this attempt failed
because your browser did not send an
HTTP “Host” header. Please manually
configure your browser to use http://
<proxy_name>:<proxy port>
as an HTTP proxy. Please refer to your
browser’s documentation for details.
Alternatively, end users can upgrade to a
browser that supports the HTTP “Host”
header field.
Host Header Required 400 Your browser did not send a Host HTTP
header field and therefore the virtual host
being requested could not be determined.
To access this web site correctly, you will
need to upgrade to a browser that
supports the HTTP Host header field.
HTTP Version Not
505 The web server <server name> is
using an unsupported version of the
HTTP protocol.
Invalid HTTP Request 400 Could not process this <client
request HTTP method> request for
Invalid HTTP Response 502 The host <server name> did not return
the document <URL> correctly.
Malformed Server
502 The host <server name> did not return
the document <URL> correctly.
Malformed Server
Response Status
502 The host <server name> did not return
the document <URL> correctly.
Maximum Transaction
Time exceeded
504 Too much time has passed transmitting
document <URL>.
No Response Header
From Server
502 The host <server name> did not return
the document <URL> correctly.
Not Cached 504 This document was not available in the
cache, and you (the client) only accept
cached copies.
Not Found on Accelerator 404 The request for <URL> on host <server
name> was not found. Check the location
and try again.
NULL 502 The host <host name> did not return
the document <URL> correctly.
code Description