Chapter 2 Getting Started 9
After your system completes the boot procedure, a console login prompt
appears with fields for both a login and password. At the prompt, supply
admin for both the login and password, and press Enter.
5 After you login, the VT100 terminal emulator screen displays this initial set
of menu selections.
—setup Initial Intel Cache Setup
install Install Intel Cache
commit Commit Setup Changes
Use the arrow keys to select setup and press the Enter key.
Note For information on how to navigate within the CLI, refer to Navigating the
command-line interface‚ on page 51.
7 The setup menu appears. This menu allows you to configure network and
time parameters as well as view settings you have entered.
—network Configure Network
timezone Configure Time Zone
time Configure Date and Time
view View Settings
Use the arrow keys to select network and press the Enter key. The following
network setup fields appear:
Enter IP Address
Enter Hostname Intel-NetStructure-Cache__
Enter Netmask
Enter Nameserver IP __________________________
Enter Gateway IP
Enter Domain _________________________
In each field supply an appropriate value and press the Enter key. Pressing the
Enter key moves the cursor to the next field. After you have supplied values
for all six fields, press CTRL+X to save your changes and return to the
previous menu.
10 The bottom of the screen displays a message that indicates the setup has
completed. When the message appears, entries to the screen have been
successfully changed and stored. The menu on this screen should appear as
network Configure Network
–timezone Configure Time Zone
time Configure Date and Time
view View Settings