Intel 80200 Computer Hardware User Manual

Developers Manual March, 2003 B-3
80200 Processor based on Intel
Optimization Guide
B.2.1.2. Intel
80200 Processor Pipeline Organization
The Intel
80200 processor single-issue superpipeline consists of a main execution pipeline, MAC
pipeline, and a memory access pipeline. These are shown in Figure B-1, with the main execution
pipeline shaded.
Table B-1 gives a brief description of each pipe-stage.
Figure B-1. Intel
80200 Processor RISC Superpipeline
F1 F2 ID RF X1 X2
M1 M2 Mx
D1 D2
Main execution pipeline
MAC pipeline
Memory pipeline
Table B-1. Pipelines and Pipe stages
Pipe / Pipestage Description Covered In
Main Execution Pipeline
Handles data processing instructions
Section B.2.3
IF1/IF2 Instruction Fetch
ID Instruction Decode
RF Register File / Operand Shifter
X1 ALU Execute
X2 State Execute
XWB Write-back
Memory Pipeline Handles load/store instructions Section B.2.4
D1/D2 Data Cache Access
DWB Data cache writeback
MAC Pipeline Handles all multiply instructions Section B.2.5
M1-M5 Multiplier stages
MWB (not shown) MAC write-back - may occur during M2-M5