Reference Information
U04401 Encrypted transmission could not be attempted. The other
party could not be dialed because the designated encryption
key is not registered in the FAX System.
U04500 Encrypted reception failed because the encryption keys did
not match.
U05100 Transmission failed because the passwords did not match
during password-based communication, when password-
based communication was enabled on the FAX System.
Contact the other party.
U05200 Transmission from the other party failed because the required
passwords failed to match during password-based
communication, when password-based communication was
enabled on the FAX System.
U05300 Transmission failed because the necessary passwords failed
to match during password-based communication, when
password-based communication was enabled on their FAX
System. Contact the other party.
U09000 Communication failed because the other party’s FAX System
uses an incompatible communication protocol. (The other
party is using a G2 FAX System.)
U14000 Reception to a subaddress box failed because FAX System
memory is full. Print stored documents and try again, or
cancel subaddress-based confidential reception.
U14100 The recipient’s FAX System is compatible with the FAX
System, but transmission to their subaddress box failed
because their FAX System memory is full.
U19000 Reception to memory has failed because the FAX System
memory is full. Clear other data from memory and try
receiving the fax again.
U19100 Transmission failed because the other party’s FAX System
memory is full. Contact the other party.
U19200 The data stored in memory is corrupted. Repeat the
procedure just attempted.
U19300 Transmission failed because the data to be sent is corrupted.
Try sending again.
U19400 Reception failed because the data received is corrupted. Try
receiving the fax again.
Error Code Problem and Corrective Action