conservation settings
brightness, adjusting 146
conserving supplies 143
Eco‑Mode 144
Hibernate mode 146
Quiet mode 144
Schedule Power Modes 146
Sleep mode 145
conserving supplies 143
contacting customer support 233
control panel, printer
indicator light 13
Sleep button light 13
controller board
accessing 15
copy options 63
copy from
copy options 63
copy job
canceling 63
copy options
advanced duplex 65
collate 64
copies 63
copy from 63
copy to 64
darkness 64
overlay 65
paper saver 65
scale 64
separator sheets 65
sides (duplex) 64
copy quality
adjusting 60
copy screen
content source 65
content type 64, 88
Copy Settings menu 115
copy to
copy options 64
copy troubleshooting
copier does not respond 219
partial document or photo
copies 221
poor copy quality 220
poor scanned image quality 231
scanner unit does not
close 220, 230
adding an overlay message 62
adjusting quality 60
canceling a copy job from the
printer control panel 63
collating copies 61
enlarging 59
making a copy lighter or darker 59
multiple pages on one sheet 62
on letterhead 57
on transparencies 56
photos 56
placing separator sheets between
copies 61
quick copy 55
reducing 59
selecting a tray 58
to a different size 58
using the ADF 55
using the scanner glass 56
creating a fax destination shortcut
using the Embedded Web
Server 84
creating an FTP shortcut
using the Embedded Web
Server 89
custom paper type
assigning 39
custom paper type name
creating 39
Custom Scan Sizes menu 101
Custom Type [x]
assigning a paper type 39
Custom Type [x] name
creating 39
Custom Types menu 100
customer support
contacting 233
copy options 64
fax options 88
date and time, fax
setting 82
daylight savings time, faxing 82
Default Source menu 93
Defective flash detected [51] 178
Digital Subscriber Line (DSL)
fax setup 74
digital telephone service
fax setup 76
display troubleshooting
printer display is blank 192
display, printer control panel
adjusting brightness 146
distinctive ring service
connecting to 81
documents, printing
from Macintosh 50
from Windows 50
DSL filter 74
Eco‑Mode setting 144
Embedded Web Server
accessing the remote control
panel 161
adjusting brightness 146
administrator settings 161
checking the status of parts 153
checking the status of
supplies 153
creating a fax destination
shortcut 84
creating an FTP shortcut 89
creating e‑mail shortcuts 67
initial fax setup 69
modifying confidential print
settings 52
networking settings 161
problem accessing 232
setting up e‑mail alerts 161
Embedded Web Server
Administrator's Guide
where to find 150, 161
notices 237, 241, 242, 246, 248
enlarging a copy 59
loading, multipurpose feeder 34
tips on using 47
environmental settings
conserving supplies 143
Eco‑Mode 144
Hibernate mode 146
printer display brightness,
adjusting 146
Quiet mode 144
Schedule Power Modes 146
Sleep mode 145
erasing non‑volatile memory 149
erasing volatile memory 149
Error reading USB drive. Remove
USB. 178
Index 254