1. Hardware Overview of the Modem
AC1200 WiFi DSL Modem Router—Essentials Edition Model D6100, in this
manual referred to as the modem router, delivers WiFi connection speeds up to
300 Mbps on
2.4 GHz 802.11n and up to 867 Mbps on 5 GHz 802.11ac. Both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands can
be active simultaneously.
The modem router is compatible with most major DSL Internet service
providers and also supports cable or fiber Internet service.
The chapter contains the following sections:
• Unpack Your Modem Router
• Front Panel with LEDs
• Back Panel with Ports, Buttons, and Connector
• Right Side Panel with WPS and WiFi On/Off Buttons
• Bottom Panel Product Label
Note: For more information about the topics that are covered in this manual,
visit the support website at support.netgear.com.
Note: Firmware updates with new features and bug fixes are made
available from time to time at downloadcenter.netgear.com. You can
check for and download new firmware manually. If the features or
behavior of your product does not match what is described in this
guide, you might need to update your firmware.
Note: In this manual, the terms wireless and WiFi are interchangeable.
1. Actual data throughput and WiFi coverage will vary. Network conditions and environmental factors, including volume of network traffic, building
materials and construction, and network overhead, lower actual data throughput rate and WiFi coverage. NETGEAR makes no express or implied
representations or warranties about this product’s compatibility with any future standards.