Switching Commands
ProSafe M4100 and M7100 Managed Switches
show port-security static
This command displays the statically locked MAC addresses for port.
Format show port-security static [lag <lag-intf-num> | <slot/port>]
MAC Address
show port-security violation
This command displays the source MAC address of the last packet discarded on a locked
Format show port-security violation [lag <lag-intf-num> | <slot/port>]
MAC Address
LLDP (802.1AB) Commands
This section describes the command you use to configure Link Layer Discovery Protocol
(LLDP), which is defined in the IEEE 802.1AB specification. LLDP allows stations on an 802
LAN to advertise major capabilities and physical descriptions. The advertisements allow a
network management system (NMS) to access and display this information.
lldp transmit
Use this command to enable the LLDP advertise capability.
Format lldp transmit
no lldp transmit
Use this command to return the local data transmission capability to the default.
Format no lldp transmit
Privileged EXEC
Term Definition
MAC Address of statically locked MAC.
Privileged EXEC
Term Definition
MAC Address of discarded packet on locked port.
Interface Config
Interface Config