Panasonic KX-FLM600 All in One Printer User Manual

PC Receiving
PC Software
Click on File in the menu bar, then click on
View, or click [View] in the toolbar.
The Viewer window will appear, and the
received fax will be displayed.
Confirming the result of reception
To receive directly to the fax
If you do not want to be disturbed by incoming faxes
when using the PC, but want to receive faxes
directly to your facsimile machine, follow these
1. Click [Setup] in the main panel.
The Setup dialog box will appear.
2. Click the Reception tab in the dialog box.
3. Click “Receive directly to facsimile unit”.
4. Click [OK].
Open the PANA LINK main panel.
Click on the reception icon ([New\doc.]) in
the main panel, or click on [Comtn.\Log] and
switch to the received log.
Click on the items in the received log which
have not been viewed yet ( icon).