Patton electronic Model 2604 Network Card User Manual

System main window 99
T1/E1 DACS Administrators’ Reference Guide 15 • System
How to Obtain Address (boxIPAddressTechnique)
This displays the current method for obtaining the LAN IP address (see figure 35 on page 97).
If the address technique in use above is static, then the value displayed in the Address field is the LAN IP
address (see figure 35 on page 97).
If the address technique in use above is static, then the value displayed in the Address field is the LAN IP mask
(see figure 35 on page 97).
This portion of the System main window contains manufacturing information described in the following sec-
Serial Number (boxManufactureDatecode)
The datecode of manufacture and serial number (see figure 35 on page 97).
PCB Revision (boxManufacturePcbRevision)
The revision of the printed circuit board (see figure 35 on page 97).
General Information (boxManufactureGeneralInfo)
A manufacturing notes area for additional information (see figure 35 on page 97).
Message Blocks
This portion of the System main window contains information about the usage of message blocks. A message
block is essentially memory available for creating or storing packets where a packet is usually an Ethernet frame.
There are four types of message blocks, and each type represents a collection of buffers which are of the same
Packet Holding Message Blocks...
Provides buffer usage of DACS message blocks based upon message block sizes (see figure 35 on page 97).
Total (boxMsgBlksConfigured)
The total number of message blocks on the system (see figure 35 on page 97).
Free (boxMsgBlksFree)
The number of free message blocks available (see figure 35 on page 97).
Total Time Waited (boxCountMsgBlkTaskWait)
The total number of times that the proper size message block was not available to hold a packet, and the CPU
task went to sleep while waiting for it. (see figure 35 on page 97).