Patton electronic Model 2604 Network Card User Manual

8 • Filter IP T1/E1 DACS Administrators’ Reference Guide
50 Introduction
The DACS software provides an IP filtering system that enables you to set up security for the internal manage-
ment system.
Each filter is a defined list of parameters based upon attributes in the IP, TCP, and UDP headers. There are two
major steps to filter creation: first defining the filter, then applying it to a user connection. The same filter can
be shared by several users.
The DACS enables 20 separate filters to be defined, of which up to 10 can be used during a single user connec-
tion. Since the IP connections in the 2604 are only for the superuser and the monitor user, these will be the
only two users. The application of the filters is done on the Filter IP main web page.
Click on
Filter IP under the Configuration Menu to display the FIlter IP main window (see figure 17).
Figure 17. Filter IP main window
Defining a filter
This section gives a brief summary on defining a filter. For a complete discussion with filter examples, see the
final section.
To define a new filter, select an ID number and a name, then click on the Submit Query button to submit the
request. The ID number and name must not already exist in the IP FILTER list, and the number must be an
integer between 1 and 20. To delete a filter, enter just the ID number without a name and click on the Submit
Query button.
Note Block filters take priority, therefore any applied and matching block
filters will drop the packet. Next, pass filters are examined, if PASS fil-
ters have been defined, then at least one of them must match or else
the packet will be dropped. After the block and pass filters are exam-
ined, the WRAP filter, if it exists, will be applied.