Patton electronic Model 2604 Network Card User Manual

4 • Alarms T1/E1 DACS Administrators’ Reference Guide
32 Displaying the alarms window
Alarm Response Outputs
Alarm Response Outputs display the current setting for handling alarm notification via the different Alarm
Response Outputs. To change the Alarm Response Outputs parameters, refer to “Alarm Parameters” on
page 33.
Relay Response
The relay of the Alarm Port on the rear of the chassis will be activated when a major, minor, or both major and
minor alarm is generated. The Alarm Port may also be disabled.
Minor Alarm SYSLOG Priority (minSyslogPriority)
Sets the priority of the minor alarm SYSLOG message that will be generated upon the occurrence of a minor
Major Alarm SYSLOG Priority (majorSyslogPriority)
Sets the priority of the major alarm SYSLOG message that will be generated upon the occurrence of a major
Minor Alarm SNMP Trap IP [address] (minorTrapIp)
Displays the IP address of a SNMP management station for receiving the SNMP trap messages upon the
occurrence of an active minor alarm. The SNMP trap messages are sent in UDP datagrams. When the IP
address is set to, no trap messages will ever be sent.
Major Alarm SNMP Trap IP [address] (majorTrapIp)
The same function as the Minor Alarm Trap IP except for only the occurrence of active major alarms.
Temperature Threshold
An alarm will be generated when the box temperature exceeds this temperature value in degrees Celsius.
Current Box Temperature
The internal temperature in the box in degrees Celsius.
Clear All Alarms
Click on this button to clear all the alarms (that is, to reset all the alarms). This clearing action will, for all the
alarms, reset the alarm, reset Time Since Alarm to 0.00 seconds, and reset the Alarm Count to 0 (zero).
This portion of the Alarms main window displays the alarm status table, where you can view current alarm sta-
tus, manually generate an alarm as a test, and clear the alarm time and alarm count variables.
Alarm ID
This number identifies the alarm item.
Alarm Name
The alarm items are grouped into two categories: system and WAN trunk alarms. The system group category
lists DACS temperature and power supply status. The WAN category monitors the T1/E1/PRI ports for yel-
low and red alarms.