Patton electronic Model 2604 Network Card User Manual

Displaying the DS0 Mapping window 39
T1/E1 DACS Administrators’ Reference Guide 5 • DS0 Mapping
Help (DACS help information)
Clicking on the Help button displays the DACS Help Information window (see figure 14). The purpose of
this window is to help the user learn how to add DS0 connections using the DACS HTML pages. This win-
dow define all of the parameters available within this web page. If you are using the Command Line Format to
make connections, scroll down the window to the heading
Command Line Format. The information contained
in the Help window is also covered in this chapter.
Figure 14. Example DACS Help Information window
Static Connection
Pull Down Menus
Each pull down window signifies part of a connection. Each connection is made up of an "A" side and a "B"
side. These names have been arbitrarily chosen and do not signify the direction that data will travel. All data
will be bi-directional. There are three parameters that need to be defined for each connection, they are:
Device Type
Device Number
Device Slots
Then ID number identifies each mapping with a unique number. The number is automatically assigned
sequentially when a static connection is entered. The ID number begins at “1.”
Device Type
The Device Type specifies the physical interface that you will be connecting. Within the 2604 the user has the
option of selecting either a T1/E1 WAN line or a DACS. While the one side may be a T1/E1 WAN line and
the other a DACS, note that both sides of the connection can be T1/E1 or both sides can be iDSL. The two
Device Types are t1-e1(1) and t1-e1(2).
Device Number
The next step in creating a connection through the DACs is to select the port that you would like to use. This
corresponds to the Port Number for the devices selected in the previous step. For example, if you would like to
make a connection to port 3 (referring to DACS #3), then select "Port 3" in the "Device Number" field. Note
that there are only four t1-e1 ports so you may not select t1-e1 ports 5 - 24. This will generate an error in the
system. Since there are 24 DACSs within the 2604, you may choose any of the 24 ports.