Patton electronic Model 2604 Network Card User Manual

5 • DS0 Mapping T1/E1 DACS Administrators’ Reference Guide
40 Displaying the DS0 Mapping window
Device Slots
The "slots" input identifies the DS0 channels—each DS0 channel is 64 kbps—that you would like to con-
nect. Each time slot in a T1 or E1 WAN port has 24 or 31 DS0 channels, respectively. When selecting the
slots you must select the same number of slots on the "A" and "B" side of the connection. The slots are selected
by entering a string that represents the slots. For a WAN port configured as a T1, the available slots are num-
bered from 1 - 24. For a WAN port configured as an E1, the available slots are 1 - 31. The following notation
should be used for entering the slots. Several examples are given below.
dash: (-) 1 - 4
comma: (,) 1,4,9
combo: 1 - 2, 3,6 - 7
For example, to connect a T1 Port using timeslots 1,2, 5, 6, 7, and 15, you can input any of the following
1,2, 5-7, 15
1 - 2, 5,6,7,15
1 - 2, 5 - 6, 7, 15
The user can make connections in the box using two different methods. The easiest way is by using the pull
down windows provided. But the user can also add connection using the command line format by entering a
text string. To input a static connection into the box using the text string. Use the following convention:
Device Options - The interface that you would like to select
Port Options - The Port Number (starting at 1) may be one of the four WAN ports. To configure Slots
(DS0 channels), choose the slots that you would like to use. The following notations are allowed:
1) dash (-): 1 - 4
2) comma (,): 1,4,9
3) combination of dashes and commas: 1 - 2, 3,6 - 7
Example: To connect a T1 line, Port 1, timeslots 1 and 2 to a T1 line, Port 2, timeslots 5 and 6, input the
following string: