Patton electronic Model 2604 Network Card User Manual

15 • System T1/E1 DACS Administrators’ Reference Guide
104 System—Modify window
This portion of the System—Modify window contains information described in the following sections.
System Manager (sysContact)
This SNMP variable represents the textual identification of the contact person for this managed node, together
with information on how to contact this person as defined by specification RFC1213.MIB.
Box Name (sysName)
This is “An administratively assigned name for this managed node. By convention, this is the node’s fully-qual-
ified domain name." (RFC1213.MIB)
Physical Location (sysLocation)
“The physical location of this node (e.g., ‘telephone closet, 3rd floor’).” (RFC1213.MIB)
Web Settings (boxBackgroundFlag)
The following options are available:
disableGraphics(0)—When this option is selected, graphics on WWW pages will not be displayed. This
results in faster page display times, but may make it more difficult to navigate WWW sites that rely heavily
on graphics.
enableGraphics(1)—When this option is selected, graphics on WWW pages are displayed.
disableWeb(2)—When this option is selected, access to the WWW pages is denied for everyone.
Monitor Privilege (boxMonitorPrivilege)
Specifies the privileges given to the monitor user. Privileges can be removed or additional write access can be
given beyond read-only access. The following options are available:
none(0)—The monitor user can not log in.
read-only(2)—This is the default setting. The monitor user can view but not change any parameters. Mon-
itor can not view passwords.
writeUser(18)—The monitor user can change all parameters—except passwords— under authentication,
drop-and-insert, and dial-in links.
writeUserlp(50)—The monitor user can change all parameters—except passwords— under authentication,
drop-and-insert, dial-in, and IP links.
writeUserlpWan(114)—The monitor user can change all parameters—except passwords— under authenti-
cation, drop-and-insert, dial-in, IP, T1/E1, and Frame Relay links.
writeUserlpWanSystem(242)—The monitor user can change all parameters—except passwords— under
authentication, drop-and-insert, dial-in, IP, T1/E1, Frame Relay, System, and System Log links.