Patton electronic Model 2604 Network Card User Manual

Defining a filter 53
T1/E1 DACS Administrators’ Reference Guide 8 • Filter IP
Destination Mask (filterIpDestinationMask)
This is the destination mask used when comparing a packet’s destination address. Bit positions that are set to 1
will be compared and 0’s will be ignored. Thus, a setting of will have the effect of disabling destination
IP address comparison.
Source Port (FilterIpSourcePort)
Specifies the source port number (TCP or UDP) that the access server DACS compares. The source port
Action (see Action (filterIpSourcePortCmp) next) action will determines how the source port is treated.
whether the source port in the IP packet is not compared, equal, less than, or greater than the Source Port des-
ignated in the filter.
Action (filterIpSourcePortCmp)
Specifies the Action (filterIpSourcePortCmp) that the DACS compares. The source port action determines
whether the source port in the IP packet is not compared, equal, less than, or greater than the Source Port des-
ignated in the filter.
noCompare(0) – No Comparison to the source port in the IP packet.
equal(1)—The port in the source IP packet is the same
lessThan(2)—The port in the source IP packet is less than
greaterThan(3)—The port in the source IP packet is greater than
Destination Port (filterIpDestinationPort)
Specifies the destination port number which the DACS compares. The destination action functions similarly
to the Source Port and its Action defined above.
Action (filterIpDestinationPortCmp)
Specifies the action (TCP or UDP) which the DACS compares. The destination action will determine how the
destination port is treated.
noCompare(0)—No Comparison to the destination port in the IP packet.
equal(1)—The port in the destination IP packet Is the same
lessThan(2)—The port in the destination IP packet is less than
greaterThan(3)—The port in the destination IP packet is greater than
Protocol (filterIpProtocol)
Specifies the IP Protocol number to use for filtering. Some examples of protocol numbers are 1 for ICMP; 6
for TCP; and 17 for UDP. A list of protocol numbers can be found in RFC 1340. A setting of 0 disables pro-
cessing based on protocol number.
TCP Established (filterIpTcpEstablished)
Specifies whether the filter should match only those packets which indicate in the TCP header flags that the
connection is established. The following choices are available:
anyPackets(0)—Applies the filter to all packets
onlyEstablishedConnections(1)—Only applies the filter to established TCP connections