Patton electronic Model 2604 Network Card User Manual

14 • SNMP T1/E1 DACS Administrators’ Reference Guide
90 Introduction
The DACS provides management and statistical information on SNMP. Detailed information on the SNMP
MIB variables may be downloaded from the RFC. Click on
SNMP under the Configuration Menu to dis-
play the SNMP window (see figure 34).
Figure 34. SNMP window
SNMP window
The SNMP window displays incoming and outgoing SNMP statistics, and has links for downloading and dis-
playing the following MIB documents:
Corporate MIB
Enterprise MIB
Product MIB
Packets (snmpInPkts)
The total number of Messages delivered to the SNMP entity from the transport service. Typically this would be
UDP since the SNMP engine sits on top of UDP
Bad Version (snmpInBadVersions)
The total number of SNMP Messages that were delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and were for an unsup-
ported SNMP version.