Patton electronic Model 2604 Network Card User Manual

10 • IP T1/E1 DACS Administrators’ Reference Guide
64 Modify
# Fragmented OK (ipFragOKs)
The number of IP datagrams that have been successfully fragmented at this entity.
# Fragmented Failed (ipFragFails)
The number of IP datagrams that have been discarded because they required fragmenting at this entity, but
were not fragmented because their Don’t Fragment option was set.
# Fragments Created (ipFragCreates)
The number of IP datagram fragments that have been generated at this entity.
# Valid but Discarded (ipRoutingDiscards)
The number of routing entries which were chosen to be discarded even though they are valid. One possible
reason for discarding such an entry could be to make more buffer space available for other routing entries.
The Modify IP configuration window (see figure 21) is where you can change IP Forwarding and Default
Time-to-Live parameters.
Figure 21. IP configurations modification window
Forwarding (ipForwarding)
Determines whether this entity is acting as an IP gateway that will forward datagrams received by—but not
addressed to—this entity. IP gateways forward datagrams, IP hosts do not (except those source-routed via the
Note For some managed nodes, this object may take on only a subset of the
values possible. Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent to return a
"badValue" response if a management station attempts to change this
object to an inappropriate value.
The following options are available:
forwarding(1)—acting as a gateway
not-forwarding(2)—not acting as a gateway
Default Time-To-Live (ipDefaultTTL)
The default value inserted into the Time-To-Live (TTL) field in the IP header of datagrams originating from this
entity, whenever a TTL value is not already supplied by the transport layer protocol.