Patton electronic Model 2604 Network Card User Manual

10 • IP T1/E1 DACS Administrators’ Reference Guide
62 IP main window
Forwarding (ipForwarding)
The indication of whether this entity is acting as an IP gateway in respect to the forwarding of datagrams
received by, but not addressed to, this entity. IP gateways forward datagrams, IP hosts do not (except those
source-routed via the host).
Note For some managed nodes, this object may take on only a subset of the
values possible. Accordingly, it is appropriate for an agent to return a
“badValue” response if a management station attempts to change this
object to an inappropriate value.
The following conditions can be displayed:
forwarding(1)—acting as a gateway and will forward IP datagrams to other gateways
not-forwarding(2)—not acting as a gateway so it will discard IP datagrams destined for other gateways
Default Time-To-Live (ipDefaultTTL)
The default value inserted into the time-to-live field of the IP header of datagrams originated at this entity,
whenever a TTL value is not supplied by the transport layer protocol.
Total Datagrams Received (ipInReceives)
The total number of input datagrams received from interfaces, including those received in error.
Discarded for Header Errors (ipInHdrErrors)
The number of input datagrams discarded due to errors in their IP headers, including bad checksums, version
number mismatch, other format errors, time-to-live exceeded, errors discovered in processing their IP options,
and so on.
Discarded for Address Errors (ipInAddrErrors)
The number of input datagrams discarded because the IP address in their IP header’s destination field was not
a valid address to be received at this entity. This count includes invalid addresses (e.g., and addresses of
unsupported Classes (e.g., Class E). For entities which are not IP Gateways and therefore do not forward data-
grams, this counter includes datagrams discarded because the destination address was not a local address.
Forwarded Datagrams (ipForwDatagrams)
The number of input datagrams for which this entity was not their final IP destination, as a result of which an
attempt was made to find a route to forward them to that final destination. In entities which do not act as IP
Gateways, this counter will include only those packets which were source-routed via this entity, and the source-
route option processing was successful.
Discarded for Unknown Protos (ipInUnknownProtos)
The number of locally-addressed datagrams received successfully but discarded because of an unknown or
unsupported protocol.
Discarded w/No Errors (ipInDiscards)
The number of input IP datagrams for which no problems were encountered to prevent their continued pro-
cessing, but which were discarded (for example, due to lack of buffer space).