44 C2904M-B (2/05)
You can use this configuration page to set the parameters of the COM1 RS-232/RS-485 serial interface port.
Figure 34. Configuration Page for COM 1 Interface Settings
Table G. Interface Settings for COM 1
Configuration Default
Item Setting
Serial port Terminal Select a controllable device from the pull-down menu: Terminal, Transparent, or Pelco Prot. (protocol).
If the port must transmit data transparently, select Transparent.
Baud rate 19200 Select any transmission rate from 300 to 57600 baud.
Data bits 8 Select the number of data bits (7 or 8) per character.
Stop bits 1 Select the number of stop bits (1 or 2) per character.
Parity check None Select the type of parity check (None, Even, or Odd).
Interface mode RS232 Select the required protocol for the port (RS232 or RS422/485).
Half-duplex Off If you choose this RS-232 mode, camera control data is transferred automatically to the control port, which is a
mode serial interface on the unit’s rear panel to which you can connect a PC. This mode supports flow control.
NOTE: In On or Buffered mode, transparent data is rerouted to the control terminal port; terminal functions are
provided on the transparent data port.