Appendix 3
Appendix 3 - Utilizing IP Addresses on a Local Network
1. Introduction
A lot of business is done via the Internet. We share information by transmitting it through E-mails and
searching the world of the Internet. IP addresses are what we utilize to access to the Internet.
Currently, IP addresses are limited. There are currently five classes of networks in the world and a
given network contains many IP addresses. A network can only have a limited number of IP addresses.
The numbers depends on the network class. Five classes of network are given letters A through E, and
the most common one is the C-class network.
2. IP construction and Network class
1) IP construction
(xxx: 0 – 255)
xxx xxx xxx xxx
X1 X2 X3 X4
2) Network class
A class: A local network that contains IP addresses from 0 to 127 at ‘X1’.
Network ID: X1
Host ID: X2, X3, X4
Total number of A-class networks is 128 in the world.
B class: A local network that contains IP addresses from 128 to 191 at ‘X1’.
Network ID: X1, X2
Host ID: X3, X4
Total number of B-class networks is 65,534 in the world.
C class: An Internet network that contains IP addresses from 192 to 223 at ‘X1’.
Network ID: X1, X2, X3
Host ID: X4
This is the most common network in the world and the total number of C-class networks is 2,097,152
D class: A network that contains IP addresses from 224 to 239 at ‘X1’. A D-class network is for
multicasting only and is not allowed for other uses.
E class: A network that contains IP addresses from 240 to 254 at ‘X1’. The E-class network is
3. C-class Networks
1) Features of Addresses
IP address: The three digits in ‘X4’ are for the Host ID and the numbers are allowed from 0 to 255.
Among the numbers, 0 is used for the Network ID, 1 is used for Router IP (Gateway address) and 255
is used for a Broadcast address. Therefore, the numbers from 2 to 244 are IP addresses that can be
assigned to VersaCam, PCs, etc.
Network ID: This is to identify a network. Generally the first number is assigned as a Network ID.
Gateway address: This is an IP address of the router that is connecting the Internet and a local
network. Remote users can access a local network over the Internet through a gateway (router).
Generally, the second number is assigned as the Gateway address.
VersaCam IC-360 User’s Guide