Quantum TC2201 User’s Guide 139
A means of transferring data between modules and adapters or
between an adapter and SCSI devices. For a SCSI bus definition, see SCSI
Channel A general term for a path on which electronic signals travel.
CHAP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol, a security access
control protocol networks.
Clusters Two or more computers sharing the same resources on a
communication link.
Device See iSCSI Device or SCSI Device.
Differential An electrical signal configuration using a pair of lines for
data transfer. The advantage of differential compared to single-ended
configuration is a relative high tolerance for common-mode noise and
crosstalk when used with twisted pair cables. In layman’s terms, this
means longer distance.
Ethernet MTU Maximum Transmission Unit, the largest physical packet
size, measured in bytes, that a network can transmit. Any messages larger
than the MTU are divided into smaller packets before being sent.
Exchange A iSCSI term for the basic mechanism used for managing an
operation. An exchange identifies information transfers consisting of one
or more related nonconcurrent sequences that may flow in the same or
opposite directions, but always in half duplex mode. An exchange is
identified by an OX_ID and an RX_ID.
Fabric An iSCSI term that includes iSCSI Arbitrated Loop, Switched
Fabric, and Point-to-Point.
Fault LED During power up and self test, the TC2201 Fault LED comes
on. After self test, if this LED remains on or comes on, the TC2201 has a
problem with one of its components. During normal operation, this LED
should be off.
Fiber A fiber optic cable made from thin strands of glass through which
data in the form of light pulses is transmitted (LASER, LED). It is often
used for high-speed transmission over medium (200m) to long (10km)
distances but it can be used for short distances (<200m).