Figure 3 UMT Profile Dialog
b) Click New.
c) Type the name of the device in the UMT field.
d) Select the TCP/IP option.
• Type the IP address of the Paragon switch in the IP Address field.
• Type the Port number of the Paragon switch in the Port field.
• Type the appropriate encryption key of the Paragon switch in the Encryption
Key field, if applicable.
e) Click Save to save this new device.
f) Click Close to return to the login window.
Note: To delete a Paragon switch in the UMT Profile dialog:
(1) Click the drop-down arrow in the UMT field and select the device you wish to delete.
(2) Click Delete to delete it.
(3) Click Close to return to the login dialog.
6. Click Login to log in to the Paragon switch. The Update Progress indicator displays your
connection status. It may take 30 seconds or longer to connect, depending on your Paragon
Figure 4 Update Progress