5. Click the Login Sleep drop-down arrow and choose OFF, Saver or Green. If you choose
Saver or Green, specify the amount of time in minutes that the local user station can remain
inactive at the Login Menu before the monitor enters the power-saving mode (press any of
the keys on the keyboard to restore normal video). Using leading zeroes if necessary, type in
a two-digit number of minutes from 01 to 99 in the Interval (Min.) field which is next to the
Login Sleep field. The default setting is 05. The difference between Green and Saver is the
Saver option makes the monitor go blank with a floater displayed on the screen, but without a
floater for the Green option. If the Login Sleep is set to “Off,” the number in this field will
have no effect.
6. Click the Default Login Name Blank drop-down arrow and choose Yes or No. This
determines whether the User Name field in the Login Menu will be blank when the menu
appears, or if the field will contain the default user name (the first available “userxy” name,
where “xy” is a two-digit number with leading zeroes—“user01,” “user02,” and so on). Use
the Ç and È keys to toggle between “Yes” (the field is blank – the default value) and “No”
(field contains the user name).
7. Click the Logoff Timeout drop-down arrow and choose On or Off. If enabled, the amount of
time in minutes that the local user station can remain inactive before the logged-in user at that
station is logged out of the Paragon II system.
− If Logoff Timeout field, above, is set to “On,” the number in the Interval (Min.) field
(the one near the Logoff Timeout field) is the number of minutes of inactivity before the
timeout is triggered and the user is logged out. Using leading zeroes if necessary, type in
a two-digit number of minutes from 01 to 99. The default setting is 05. If Logoff Timeout
is set to “Off,” the number in this field will have no effect.
8. Type the timeout (in seconds) in the PCShare Timeout (Sec) field. If Operation Mode is set
to “PC Share” and more than one user has selected a server, the first user to type or use
his/her mouse will have control of the server. However, another user can gain control of the
server if the first user’s keyboard and mouse remain idle for the length of this timeout. Using
leading zeroes if necessary, type in a two-digit number of seconds from 01 to 99. The default
setting is 01.
9. Click the Require Password drop-down arrow and choose Yes or No. Determine whether a
user can specify a blank password, that is, delete any existing password and have no
password at all. Use the Ç and È keys to toggle between “No” (users may delete their
existing passwords) and “Yes” (the default setting; starting with the first time they change
their password, users must always have a non-blank password). Newly created users always
start with no password, and must assign one to themselves during initial setup.
10. Click the Ghost Mode drop-down arrow and choose Enable or Disable. If you enable
ghosting, you will be able to view hot-plugged CIM connections, former and current. If you
disable ghosting, you will see only current CIM connections. The default setting is Enable.
11. When finished, click Ok to accept all system settings, or click Cancel to close this screen
without saving changes.