Raritan Computer PMG-0I-v2.0.3-E Calculator User Manual

Deleting a User
Deleting a user in the Paragon Manager window deletes the user account from both the Paragon
Manager screen and also from the currently connected Paragon system.
1. In the User panel, click the user you want to delete.
2. Choose Users > Delete. The Confirm User Delete dialog appears.
3. Click Yes to delete the user or click No to close the dialog without deleting.
Note: The Administrator (Admin) cannot be deleted.
Viewing User Properties
Administrators can modify user properties in Paragon Manager.
1. In the User panel, click the user whose properties you want to modify, or simply double click
2. Choose Users > Property, or right-click that user and choose Property from the pop-up
menu. The User Information dialog appears.
Figure 14 User Information Dialog
3. Change any of the user’s properties, according to the guidelines just outlined in the section
Creating a User.
4. When finished, click OK to change the user properties or click Cancel to close the dialog
without saving any changes.