Adding Paragon Switches in P2SC
1. Select Base UMT’s from the Setup drop-down menu. The Paragon System Configuration
dialog appears.
Figure 44 P2SC – Paragon System Configuration Dialog (No Data)
2. Click New to add new Paragon switches’ data.
3. Click each field and type the appropriate data for Paragon switch intended to connect. Make
sure the IP address and Port number for each Paragon switch are entered, and their data is the
same as each Paragon switch’s network setting on the OSUI.
Figure 45 P2SC – Paragon System Configuration Dialog (with Data)
4. Click OK to put the Paragon switches under the control of P2SC, or Cancel to abort it.
Removing Paragon Switches from P2SC
1. Select Base UMT’s from the Setup drop-down menu. The Paragon System Configuration
dialog appears.
2. Click the Paragon switch which you want to remove and click Delete.
About Paragon II System Controller Admin
This command simply displays the current versions of the P2SC device and P2SC Admin