Using Features for Advanced Applications
TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual
Whether zoom is on or off, you can press Reset (main) ➞ Reset Live Factors or
Reset All Factors (side) to return the zoomed derivative waveform to no
Waveform Integration
The Advanced DSP Math capabilities of the TDS Oscilloscope include
waveform integration. This capability allows you to display an integral math
waveform that is an integrated version of the acquired waveform. This section
describes how to setup the oscilloscope to display and measure integral math
Integral waveforms find use in the following applications:
H Measuring of power and energy, such as in switching power supplies
H Characterizing mechanical transducers, as when integrating the output of an
accelerometer to obtain velocity
The integral math waveform, derived from the sampled waveform, is computed
based on the following equation:
y(n) + scale
i + 1
x(i) ) x(i * 1)
Where: x(i) is the source waveform
y(n) is a point in the integral math waveform
scale is the output scale factor
T is the time between samples
Since the resultant math waveform is an integral waveform, its vertical scale is in
volt-seconds (its horizontal scale is in seconds). The source signal is integrated
over its entire record length; therefore, the math waveform record length equals
that of the source waveform.