B-10 Service and Warranty Information
If you have difficulty operating the calculator, the following suggestions may
help you to correct the problem.
Follow these procedures if you have difficulties.
1. If you cannot see anything on the display, perhaps the
display contrast needs adjusting.
Press and release the
key. To increase the contrast
(darken the screen), press and hold
. To decrease the
contrast (lighten the screen), press and hold
You will find additional information on display contrast on
page 1
2. If after adjusting the display contrast, the calculator does
not appear to be working at all, be sure the batteries are
installed properly and that they are fresh. Refer to “Battery
Information” beginning on page B
2 for more details.
Note: Make sure the red switch in the battery
compartment is in the center position.
3. If an error occurs, follow the procedure on page 1
Refer to the more detailed explanations about specific
errors beginning on page B
11, if necessary.
4. If the cursor is a checker-board pattern, memory is full.
and delete some items from
memory. See Chapter 12 for additional information about
memory management.
5. If the dotted-line busy indicator is displayed, a graph or
program is paused, and the TI
80 is waiting for input.
to continue or
to break.
In Case of Difficulty
Handling a