Toshiba GL-1010 Printer User Manual

72 GL-1010 Network Fax Operator’s Guide
Document Sticky The paradigm where actions and/or settings for a print job are
assigned for a specific document within a specific application. For
example, if a change is made to the printer settings, it only affects the
current document within the current application. See also, Printer
Driver See Printer Driver.
Duplex The process of printing on both sides of a sheet of paper. For duplex
printing, the copier must have an Automatic Duplex Unit (ADU)
installed. See also Simplex.
Processing System
This system consists of either the TOSHIBA e-STUDIO28/35/45
digital copier connected to the GL-1010 controller or the TOSHIBA e-
STUDIO550/650/810 digital copier connected to the GL-1020
controller. These systems provide the convenience of walk-up
copying, scanning, and network printing from the same device.
Fax agent A set of properties for transferring fax jobs to a particular destination.
The TOSHIBA controllers used to connect digital copiers to a network.
Also referred to as the device or printer.
IP Internet Protocol. The IP part of the TCP/IP communications protocol.
IP implements the network layer (layer 3) of the protocol, which
contains a network address and is used to route a message to a
different network or subnetwork. IP accepts packets from the layer 4
transport protocol (TCP or UDP), adds its own header and delivers a
Datagram to the layer 2 data link protocol. It may also break the
packet into fragments to support the maximum transmission unit
(MTU) of the network.
Jobs log A file that contains a historical record of the jobs submitted to the
controller. The information for each job includes the document name,
size, date and time stamp, and status. You can filter the Jobs Log to
list only the details for specific types of jobs.
LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. A network protocol for
extracting information from a hierarchical directory.
MAC Media Access Control. A sublayer of the layer 2 data link protocol. It
deals with network access and collision detection.
Definitions of Common Terms
Term Definition