Basic Setup and Traffic Meter
Verizon 4G LTE Router MBR1515LVW
Wide Area Network (WAN) Ethernet Broadband Settings
To manually configure your WAN Ethernet Broadband Internet settings:
1. Log in to the router as described in Log In to Your Router on page 17.
2. From the main menu, select Bas
ic Setup > WAN Ethernet Broadband Settings.
The following question displays:
Select the option based on the type of account you have with your ISP.
• If you need to en
ter login information every time you connect to the Internet, or you
have a PPPoE account with your ISP, select Yes, and see Yes, a Login Is Required
on page 23.
• Otherwise, select No and see No, a
Login Is Not Required on page 25.
Note: If you have installed PPP software such as WinPoET (from
Earthlink) or Enternet (from PacBell), then you have PPPoE. Select
Yes. After selecting Yes and configuring your router, you do not need
to run the PPP software on your computer to connect to the Internet.