Wi-Fi Settings
Verizon 4G LTE Router MBR1515LVW
2. Log in to the router and select Wi-Fi Settings (see Manually Configure Your Wireless
Settings on p
age 32).
3. Make the fo
llowing changes:
• Change
the wireless network name (SSID) to a meaningful name.
• On t
he WPA/PSK + WPA2/PSK screen, select a passphrase.
• Make sure tha
t the Keep Existing Wi-Fi Settings check box is selected in the
Advanced Wi-Fi Settings screen so that your new settings are not erased if you use
4. Click Apply
so that your changes take effect. Write down your settings.
All existing wireless clients are disassociated
and disconnected from the router.
5. Fo
r the non-WPS devices that you want to connect, open the networking utility and follow
the utility’s instructions to enter the security settings that you selected in Step 3 (the SSID,
WPA/PSK + WPA2/PSK security method, and passphrase).
6. Fo
r the WPS devices that you want to connect, follow the procedure WPS Button on
page 37 or WPS PIN Entry on p
age 38.
The settings that you configured in Step 3 are br
oadcast to the WPS devices so that they
can connect to the router.